This morning was a winter wonderland in South County Central Oregon. Along the Deschutes River, several miles south of Sunriver, the Gompf's have a nice corner of the woods they call home. I had so much fun with these three sisters and the family that surrounds them. Here are a few of my favorites...
Arathoon Family Session | Family Photography Bend, Oregon
I love spending time with families because I get to see how they are connected. What makes them laugh. And especially with Abby and Zoe, how silly they can get! We had some special silly time with these two that got everybody laughing! There were even some surprise guests (see below)! Here are some moments I enjoyed photographing.
Showing off Oregon | Personal Moments
My cousin Elsie and her family came to visit from France for two weeks and we showed her Oregon. Here are a few snaps from the Oregon Coast and from Crater Lake. So grateful for that time with them!
The Schultz Family | Family Photography in Sunriver Oregon
Five kids! Four boys and a girl. I had a blast photographing this adorable family! I love taking special moments with each child to do a portrait, then having a quick moment with mom and dad to create a quite minute for them to connect and be close. This is when Moment Design is really at it's best!